Womens Sewing Project
Womens Sewing Project
A Year Training Program
The idea for this sewing project started many years ago and was put on hold. In November 2017 our team gathered to discuss our next project. Remembering the Mothers Group had a previous interest in learning to sew, we shared some thoughts and ideas and the plan was laid out in no time.
We decided to use a room within our village home to start. The room was cleared out and filled with three sewing machines, chairs, some material, sewing kits and more. We hired a professional tailor and invited interested women to attend a 3-hour training session five days a week. The room was open daily for them to come whenever they wanted to practice what they had learned.
After the three-month trial period, there was so much interest we decided to continue this project for another two months. Women and teens were coming from neighboring villages asking for an opportunity to learn how to sew. We knew if they were truly interested in learning, we had to seize the opportunity to continue making this training available for anyone interested.
We then needed more space, so we built a room behind the house along with a few more sewing machines and supplies. A few months ago we asked for some assistance, and we were granted our wish. A year-long training sponsor had been granted, and we all rejoiced! Since then, many women have learned a new skill and may be able to earn a living as a future tailor.
They are currently sewing children’s clothes for winter. You can see them hanging throughout the room.

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