Women Group
Empowering Women
Proactive women within their local communities
The Women’s Groups throughout rural Nepal play an integral part in the overall success of smaller villages
Sapana Nepal Projects has been working with the Amaa Sommay, otherwise known as the Women’s Group, for many years now and we are fortunate to have the opportunity to be of assistance to this wonderful group of woman. SNP offers guidance, moral support, along with educational tools for the women; so that they can be more proactive within their local communities. The Women’s Groups throughout rural Nepal play an integral part in the overall success of smaller villages.
The woman in rural villages work extremely hard, spending long hours in the fields cultivating and harvesting crops while also running the household and caring for small children and grandchildren.
They usually work for large land owners in exchange for a small portion of the crops with hopes to feed their entire family for months. Most of the women lack basic education and were born into the lower caste system. These struggles make everyday life even more difficult, especially when trying to take the initiative to start something new.

Women’s Group Projects
The Ginger Root Project
Why Ginger? Ginger has many different benefits and uses; mostly used in cooking for the Nepali typical dish “Dahl Bhaat”. The Nepalese have this meal at least once a day, but usually twice. This delicious dish is much more extravagant then it sounds and ginger is a key ingredient in Dahl Bhaat as well as just about any Nepali dish.
Ginger also has many health benefits and is an aid for nausea, motion sickness and digestion. Once the root is planted it takes about eleven months to grow and it is harvested once a year. The women of the village had a wonderful time participating in the planting and harvesting of ginger and they are looking forward to participating in this project again.

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From the Improved Cooking Stove project back in 2012 to our current Sewing Project we provide a variety of opportunities for donors to be a special part of our amazing projects by matching your interest with our project needs. For more information about how you can join our team and sponsor our projects drop us a line.
Past activities
Women’s Group Field Trip
Lumbini – The birth place of the Buddha
Many of the women in our Women’s Group rarely travel outside of their village for pleasure, as this type of travel is considered a luxury.
With the help of Sapana Nepal Projects we were able to arrange a special field trip for the Women’s Group members. The purpose of these field trips is to create opportunities for team building, self growth and educational enrichment. SNP contributes 35% of the total trip costs and it is an honor for us to support the women in making their dreams come true!
Our first Mother’s Group field trip took place in October 2016. This special group of 38 participants packed into a rented bus and traveled to the the Terai (Indian border) to visit the holy site and birthplace of the Buddha, Lumbini, which is one of the four holy sites for Buddhist pilgrimages.

Most of Nepali’s practiced religion is Hinduism; however, in Nepal there is a deep respect between Hindus and Buddhists and they enjoy visiting all holy sites. Buddhism and Christianity are also practiced in many areas throughout Nepal; Buddhism tends to be the main religion or philosophy practiced in the Himalayas throughout Nepal.
The trip was a great success and the women came home feeling inspired, energetic and excited about generating meaningful and valuable projects for their villages and families.
Share a Smile
To learn more about supporting the mother’s group projects or our next endeavour for the Coffee Project or how you can help fund their next group adventure to Panchassee (group trip to the holy site) read all about it above.
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