Help our cause
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.

Women’s Group Projects
Emily Ward of San Clemente, CA
Sapana Nepal Projects is a very special organization that has assisted in helping to improve the lives of so many! When I think about SNP, I immediately think of the incredible heart, loyalty and compassion that each of its members holds. Sapana Nepal Project’s mission is to offer support and resources for the villagers of Pumdi, Nepal ensuring that sponsorships, fundraising and donations go directly where the support is needed. Through SNP’s distinct projects, they are able to empower and enrich the lives of the villagers of Pumdi along with the lives of all Nepali peoples. It has been such a blessing to be apart of such an incredible organization!
B.A, M.Ed, PPD ECD Specialist and Sapana Nepal Projects Volunteer 2012

Tracy Radley of Australia
I first met the Nepali members of Sapana Nepal Projects, Rajesh, Jagan and Subas in 2010 when I had arrived in Nepal. Through a chance encounter, we were introduced at a local tea shop. Within a few days I was unexpectedly on my way trekking in remote parts of Western Nepal. The journey was both physically and emotionally challenging, yet so rewarding. It was through this experience we established a close bond. I got to see firsthand how they worked, where their hearts and passions lay. As a female foreigner in this remote area, I placed my life and trust in these people I had just met and they didn’t disappoint.
Co-Founder of Kutumsa Student & Community Support Project Volunteer
Cher and Brian Fisher Stuart, FL
We’ve been associated with the charitable organization, Sapana Nepal Projects, since its inception, and known its co-founder, Nicole Zito, much longer than that. After hearing her story and rich experiences that led her to follow her heart with helping others, we knew we had to do something. For a very small monthly donation, we are able to provide a physician to visit the small village every month and offer medical assistance, something they had never had before. Such small efforts on our part make such huge differences to these villagers.
Cher is Kiwanis Club of Stuart Volunteer and Brian volunteers at Meals on Wheels