Improving the lives of children and adults, through community based projects in Nepal
Learn more about our projects!
About Us
“Sapana” ~ To Dream in Nepali
Sapana Nepal Projects (SNP) is a nonprofit organization based in the rural village of Pumdi, Nepal. Our mission is to partner directly with the local community of Pumdi and support a variety of projects that will bring improved quality of life to all. We focus on education, women’s empowerment and environmental well-being, sustainable farming and community health.
By working directly with our community members of Pumdi, we are able to offer encouragement , support, and necessary resources to achieve a successful outcome of the nominated project. Villagers are excited, empowered and enthusiastic to bring positive change to their community and surrounding communities for generations to come.
Our Pillar-Projects
Children, Women, Environment – Our projects all stem from these three very important pillars – which we believe are the main pillars for creating a more harmonious, safe, educated, nurturing and sustainable life for all on earth.
Sapana Nepal Projects believes that in order for systematic change to take place we must invest in lifelong learning and education. We believe that every human being has the right to quality education and guidance from birth through adulthood. At SNP we offer a variety of educational programs supporting early childhood education through adult education.
Empowerment of Women
We support the local women of Pumdi and surrounding communities by developing opportunities for social connection, education and training that can be utilized for additional sources of income and empowerment.
Environmental Well Being
Connection to our local environment and to our global environment is crucial. SNP supports environmental efforts from community garbage clean up, Improved cooking stoves, to planting trees and sustainable farming practices.
Love for Pumdi
Here you’ll find clips put together by our CO-Founder Nicole highlighting this very special place filled with love, dance, connection and inspiration!